Oct 20, 2012

Art Field Trip - Zoology Grant Museum London

 Art Field Trip - Zoology Grant Museum London

~ Creating an Art Portfolio whilst studying for the Arts Award Bronze Level


Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio
Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip to London

We planned:
We had planned to go to the Grant Museum of Zoology in London to study some of the animal anatomy, especially different types of wings on different species of animals.

What we did 
We met up with our artists friend Judy and went to the Grant Museum of Zoology together.  

When we did it:
17th October, 2012

Where we did it:

Euston Square, Grant Museum of Zoology , at the UCL London

Why we did it : 
Judy suggested that the Grant Museum might be a good place to find inspiration for animal anatomy and we all thought that was a good idea.

Who did it:
Me, my Mum and our Artist Friend Judy

What I saw today :

Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio
Me and Judy looking at an interesting specimen in a cabinet.

One of the top 10 weirdest and most desirable things to se in the Grant Museum according to their leaflet is a jar of moles. 

" Case 12, shelf 3 , near the museum door,one of the most bizarre objects in the museums collection is a large jar crammed full of whole preserved moles" 
source Grant Museum UCL Leaflet


  • Several exhibits of Mammals , a baby deer, a loris and a cat. 

Deer Exhibit- Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio
exhibit of a baby deer fawn preserved in formaldehyde 

Loris Exhibit - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio
exhibit of a loris

Pet Cat Clone Exhibit - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas
exhibit of a pet cat named " Little Nicky" 

This cat is a cloned cat from the original pet called " Nicky" . A lady paid quite a sum of money to have her cat cloned after the death of her beloved pet.

Sketchbook - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas

my drawing sketches 

I found the deer so pure and cute I just had to draw it. Also it was good anatomy practice as you can barely ever see fawns in the wild. I was pleased with the way the legs turned out. It was difficult to figure out where the top of the body was as it was crammed into its jar.
The loris I drew because I had never seen one or drawn a primate before. I did not want to draw the intestines because they creeped me because it was a little baby.


  • This is a  taxidermy cuckoo . I chose it because it was one of the only birds that I could see which had the feathers still on and a clear view of anything but the bone structure.

Bird Exhibit - Sketchbook - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas
exhibit of a cuckoo bird

Sketchbook - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas

my drawing sketches of the cuckoo, I did not finish the drawing as my view was cut off from where i was standing.


  •  We asked the curator whether we could get one of the dragonflies out of the cabinet so we could get a closer look for sketching. Our artist friend Judy was very excited because she loves drawing and painting dragonflies. 

Sketchbook - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas
me and Mama sketching the dragonfly

Dragonfly Exhibit - Sketchbook - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas

exhibit of dragonfly close up

Dragonfly Sketch - Sketchbook - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas

my sketch of a dragonfly


  • This is a particoloured bat on the right hand side. I find bats interesting because they are the only mammal that can in fact fly. That intrigues me. 

Bat Skeleton - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas
exhibit of particoloured bat

Sketchbook Bat Wings Skeleton - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas

My  drawing sketch of the particoloured bat which I was extremely pleased with. 
I thought it looked lifelike which is what I am hoping to improve on.

Sketchbook - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas

picture of me sketching the particoloured bat


  • some other interesting stuff I saw and heard on the day

 A lady was showing me baby baboon calls and what they meant. 
She was a researcher explaining things to the people visiting. 

Bat Exhibit - Sketchbook - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas

another bat exhibit

Butterfly exhibit - Sketchbook - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas

a butterfly exhibit 

Bird Skeleton Exhibit- Sketchbook - Grant Museum of Zoology Field Trip London - Arts Award Bronze Level Art Portfolio Ideas

a bird skeleton exhibit



What I liked/found interesting:
I found the whole visit exceptionally interesting because I love looking at dead animals and studying from them. My favourite exhibit was the baby deer/ fawn because it was so adorable  . Also it was a challenge to draw because of the positions the animals were in but I learned a lot by being able to look closely. In nature animals usually don't stay still for very long and this gave me an opportunity to study in more detail.

What I learned:
I learned a lot by looking at the way mama and Judy were drawing the exhibits and compare it to my way of drawing. I did learn a lot about animal anatomy and the way wings function.

What I disliked:
I did not like looking at the intestines of the loris. 

What I hope to try out in my artwork:
 I'd like to try actually giving some of my animal characters a bone structure so that they actually look like realistic-ish animals. I am trying to get proportions right on my cartoon animals.

How I applied what inspired me today 

 I have made sketches  of the various exhibits and taken photographs for later reference and inspiration to apply to my artwork.


  1. Great sketches!
    Ceri x

  2. What a great account of a fabulous day. I was extremely fortunate to be the Judy referred to. I am so incredibly impressed with your account of the day and all the things you gathered from it. I know we all enjoyed it, but reading your blog reminded me of things I'd forgotten - you really took everything on board.
    The sketches are very good and I cant wait to see what you get up to next
    see you soon


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